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Meet the Wayland Dems

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American flag against a building
Credit Scott Walsh

We are Wayland residents and friends who are committed to sharing our skills, knowledge, and energy to promote an effective democracy for everyone.

Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don’t live in the world all of your own.” ~Albert Schweitzer

We are Waylanders of all ages and background share a common belief in the essential need to local action. We do not have the luxury, or indeed the right, to sit on the sidelines in 2020.

How can you plug in?

Join us during a monthly business meeting or at a monthly breakfast. Join WIDEA for postcarding. Come to a locally planned event, such as Voter Suppression film and discussion at the Wayland Library. Come to our regionally planned events, such as Demystifying Health Care Reform. Join a local climate change action and you are sure to meeting Wayland Dems. Meet with local and state policymakers, whether in Wayland or at the State House. Contribute your time, energy, and financial support for Democratic candidates and causes.

Still not sure? No problem. Reach out and tell us more about you!

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