Updated Bylaws
Below are the bylaws as approved by the Wayland Democratic Town Committee on June 8, 2019.
Wayland Democratic Town Committee
Revisions Recommended by the Bylaws Subcommittee
And approved by the Democratic town Committee
June 9, 2019
Summary of Proposed Bylaw Amendments
The Bylaw Committee submits this report to the Committee pursuant to Article XII of the Bylaws.
The Wayland Democratic Town Committee’s existing Bylaws provide a strong foundation for a flourishing and thriving committee. Since their adoption in 1994, many things have changed. For instance, e-mail was not an anticipated means of regular communication twenty-five years ago. As our lifestyles change, it is appropriate that our Committee adapt to the times by and through its Bylaws. The Bylaws Committee engaged in a thorough and comprehensive review of our existing Bylaws with this frame of reference.
In honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of adopting its Bylaws, we recommend a number of comprehensive changes. First, we recommend that the Bylaws provide the Committee with more flexibility regarding the make-up of its Executive Committee. For example, providing the option of a Co-Chairperson leadership model enables more people to hold leadership positions, provide innovative perspectives, and assist in the significant time commitments that come with the Chairperson position. Second, we suggest that the Committee codify its regular means of communication: e-mail. Third, we believe that the methods by which the Bylaws are modified should, in and of itself, be modified. Fourth, we ask that a new Article be included regarding the removal of Committee members. Our Committee has a fantastic problem—too many interested people with too few available positions. The Committee should incorporate language used by the Massachusetts Democratic Party so that we provide ourselves with the option of making space available for interested and engaged Wayland residents.
This report contains two additional sections. The first section explains the recommended changes to each Article and Paragraph within the existing Bylaws. The second section demonstrates how the recommended changes alter the current Bylaws by showing the deleted and inserted language.
The Bylaws Committee thanks you for your consideration of these proposed amendments and is happy to answer any questions and provide further explanation upon request.
The Bylaws Subcommittee
Kris Aleksov, Michael Gilbreath, Steve Garone, Adam Gutbezahl, and Jon Saxton
Summary of Approval of Proposed Bylaw Amendments
The Wayland Democratic Town Committee (“Committee”) held a regular meeting on Saturday, June 8, 2019. The Committee discussed and considered the recommendations made by the Bylaws Subcommittee. The Committee approved the changes identified in the Bylaws Subcommittee’s May 2019 report with one amendment. This amendment defined members of the Committee for twenty years or longer as “lifetime members,” and clarified that a lifetime member may not be removed from the Committee for failure to attend at least half of the Committee’s regular meetings in a calendar year. The Committee approved this amendment via a unanimous voice vote, and then approved the other changes recommended by the Bylaws Subcommittee via a unanimous voice vote.
Explanation of Bylaw Amendments
Below is a description of the amendments to each Article of the Bylaws approved by the Wayland Democratic Committee on June 8, 2019.
Article I
No proposed changes.
Article II
No proposed changes.
Article III
A. – This amendment includes reference to the Committee’s Bylaws and defines the described members as a “regular member” of the Committee.
B. – This amendment provides for the option of operating the Committee through Co-Chairpersons. This amendment does not remove any positions from the Executive Committee. Rather, it makes the Vice Chairperson position an optional position, which eliminates any requirement that the Committee include a Vice Chairperson when the Committee possesses Co-Chairpersons. The amendment also clarifies that the paragraph relates to “regular members,” as now defined in Article III, Paragraph A.
C. – This amendment creates a new paragraph, which incorporates the Commonwealth’s determination that members of twenty or more years shall not count towards the Committee’s cap of thirty-five regular members. This amendment also defines these members as a “lifetime member” of the Committee.
D. – Former paragraph C is now paragraph D.
E. – Former paragraph D is now paragraph E. This amendment also clarifies that the paragraph relates to “regular members,” as now defined in Article III, Paragraph A.
F. – Former paragraph E is now paragraph F. This amendment also meets the intent of the Committee’s aspiration that associate members receive priority in filling any vacancies on the Committee.
G. – Former paragraph F is now paragraph G. This amendment also includes mention of Article XVI of the Bylaws regarding the removal of Committee members, as discussed in further detail below.
Article IV
A. – This amendment provides for the option of operating the Committee through Co-Chairpersons. This amendment does not remove any positions from the Executive Committee. Rather, it makes the Vice Chairperson position an optional position, which eliminates any requirement that the Committee include a Vice Chairperson when the Committee possesses Co-Chairpersons. This amendment also clarifies that only one person shall hold the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and Affirmative Action and Outreach Officer per term. Finally, this amendment includes mention of “regular members,” as now defined in Article III, Paragraph A, to make clear which Committee members participate in the election of officers.
B. – This amendment provides flexibility to the Committee and the Executive Committee by allowing the Committee to establish other Executive Committee positions through an election. This amendment also provides the Chairperson with the authority to establish subcommittees and appoint individuals to subcommittees. The amendment includes one technical and grammatical change.
C. – This amendment clarifies the methods by which an officer may leave the position, including removal (as provided in new Article XVI) and moving out of Wayland. The amendment also eliminates the requirement that the Committee fill an officer position at the next regular meeting after the vacancy occurs.
Article V
This amendment provides for the option of operating the Committee through a maximum of two co-chairpersons, who would possess equal levels of authority. The amendment also adds the use of inclusive pronouns.
Article VI
The amendment to the header is a technical and grammatical change. The amendment to the body of the Article makes the Vice Chairperson an optional position, which exists only when the Committee does not elect Co-Chairpersons. The amendment also adds the use of inclusive pronouns.
Article VII
This amendment provides the Secretary with the authority to chair a meeting in the event that the Chairperson(s) and Vice Chairperson are not able to attend a meeting. The amendment also adds the use of inclusive pronouns.
Article VIII
This amendment adds the use of inclusive pronouns.
Article IX
This amendment is a technical and grammatical change.
Article X
A. – This amendment makes the following three changes: (1) it modifies the reference to the Chairperson to account for the possible existence of a Co-Chairperson; (2) it makes a technical change to clarify that the Executive Committee members other than the Chairperson (or Co-Chairperson) may call a meeting; and (3) it allows for e-mail to satisfy the writing requirement.
B. – This amendment provides the Secretary or another designated individual to chair a meeting called under Article X, Paragraph A.
C. – This amendment allows for e-mail to satisfy the writing requirement.
Article XI
This amendment provides for Committee members participating remotely to count towards the quorum requirement.
Article XII
This amendment designates the Chairperson of the Bylaws Committee as the point person for matters related to the Bylaws. The amendment also includes technical and grammatical changes.
Article XIII
The amendment to the header is a technical change.
A. – This amendment clarifies that the Bylaws may be amended at any Committee regular meeting so long as the proposed amendment was properly referred to and reviewed by the Bylaws Committee.
B. – This amendment specifies the methods by which Bylaw changes shall be shared with the Committee, and imposes a requirement for providing Committee members with notice of the proposed changes.
C. – The amendment clarifies that the Bylaws Committee shall be the body to consider issues or changes to the Bylaws. The amendment also specifies the methods by which Committee members may bring matters to the attention of the Bylaws Committee.
D. – This amendment incorporates the report requirement from former paragraph B and includes requirements that the Bylaws Committee report by shared 48 hours before a vote and that the report be made available in electronic and print format.
E. – This amendment requires a majority vote by the Committee to approve changes to the Bylaws. The final sentence is relocated from former paragraph B.
F. – Former paragraph C is now paragraph F and includes a technical amendment.
Article XIV
This amendment clarifies that the two-thirds endorsement requirement pertains to endorsements of candidates for public office and ballot initiatives.
Article XV
A. – This amendment includes technical and grammatical changes.
B. – This amendment creates a new paragraph, which requires in-person meetings with the option of remote participation. The amendment also makes mention that meetings held in public venues comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. By referencing “public venues,” this change does not apply to meetings that may be held at the private residence of a Committee member.
C. – This amendment creates a new paragraph, which requires reasonable efforts when scheduling any additional meetings held by the Committee.
D. – This amendment creates a new paragraph, which establishes a simple majority for votes held by the Committee unless stated otherwise in the Bylaws.
E. – This amendment creates a new paragraph, which requires meeting protocol to follow Roberts Rules of Order.
Article XVI
This amendment creates a new Article.
A. – This paragraph provides for the possible removal of Committee members by a majority vote of the Committee.
B. – This paragraph clarifies that a lifetime member of the Committee may not be removed on the basis of failing to attend at least half of the Committee’s regularly scheduled committee meetings in a calendar year.
C. – This paragraph provides a Committee member facing removal with the ability to resign from the Committee.
D. – This paragraph provides a Committee member facing removal to appeal the Committee’s decision.
Bylaw Amendments
Below are the original bylaws with approved amendments.
MAY 17, 1994
Article I - NAME
This organization shall be known as the Wayland Democratic Town Committee herein after called the Committee.
This Committee is organized and constituted under authority of and in accordance with the provisions of the General Laws of the Commonwealth, and shall have as its purposes the following: to foster and advance the ideals and aims of the Democratic Party; to work and organize for the success of the Democratic candidates of the District, County, State and Nation; to do all things necessary and incidental to the building and strengthening of the Democratic Party in Massachusetts and within the Town of Wayland.
A. The Wayland Democratic Town Committee shall consist of thirty five (35) [or number designated and reported to the Massachusetts Secretary of State prior to Presidential elections] registered Democrats in Wayland who shall have been elected at the Presidential Primary for a period of 4 years together with those elected to membership by the members of said Committee, in conformance with the provisions of law and these Bylaws. Hereinafter: “regular member.”
B. The Committee, following the election of its regular members, shall meet and organize, choose a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Affirmative Action and Outreach Advisor, Chairperson (or Co-Chairpersons), Secretary, Treasurer, Affirmative Action and Outreach Advisor, a Vice Chairperson in the event there is only one Chairperson, and such other officers as it may decide to elect. At such meeting the Committee may add to its elected regular members provided it does not exceed the total allowed by law as found on file with the Secretary of State's Office.
C. Regular members of the Committee who have served as such for 20 or more years shall vacate their elected member status but shall remain voting members of the Committee with all of the right and obligations of regular members. Hereinafter: “lifetime member.”
CD. The Committee may, by vote at any meeting, authorize the appointment of associate members. Associate members shall not have the right to vote but shall have such other powers and duties as the Committee may determine.
DE. Any duly elected regular member of the Committee who changes residence from Wayland during the said four years shall cease to be a member of the Committee at that time.
EF. Vacancies shall be filled by vote of the Committee. Associate members, if any, may should be the candidates first considered for filling the vacancies.
FG. Members may be removed in conformity with Section II of the Charter of the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as well as in conformity with Article XVI of these Bylaws.
A. The officers of this organization shall consist of a Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons, or a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Affirmative Action and Outreach Advisor. These officers shall be elected from among the regular members at the Committee organizational meeting and shall serve for a term of two years, at the end of which new elections for officers shall be held.
B. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting composed of the officers of the Committee and others elected members who may be appointed by the Chairperson(s) or elected by a majority vote of a regular meeting. The Chairperson(s) may also establish sub-committees and appoint sub-committee members as needed,.
C. In the event of death, resignation, or the permanent removal, from or the loss of residency in the Town of any of the above named officers, their places shall be declared vacant and should be filled at the next regular meeting of the Committee, or at a regular meeting s soon thereafter as is reasonably possible. A statement of such changes in the officers of the Committee shall be sent immediately by the Secretary of the Committee to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, to the Secretary of the Democratic State Committee and to the town clerk.
The Chairperson shall, in addition to the duties required by law, preside at all meetings of the Committee and shall have general charge and supervision of all Committee activities. He/She/They shall have the power to appoint all standing committees and such other special committees as are created from time to time. He/She/They shall have the power to call all special meetings of the Town Committee and all regular meetings at such time or times as may seem to her/him/them to be advisable, subject only to the vote of the Committee in fixing the number of regular meetings to be held during the course of the year. If the position of Chairperson is held by two persons serving as Co-Chairpersons, each Co-Chairperson shall possess equal authority under these bylaws.
In the event that the Committee elects a sole Chairperson, the Committee shall also elect a Vice Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Town Committee in the absence of the Chairperson. She/He/They shall perform all duties and have the powers of the Chairperson in the case of her/his temporary absence.
The Secretary shall keep record of all proceedings of the Committee and shall issue notice by mail to each member of the Committee at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting. The Secretary shall, within ten days after the organization of the Committee, file with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Secretary of the Democratic State Committee and the town clerk, a list of officers and members of the Committee, and shall immediately file with the same officials a statement of the changes in the organization or membership of the Committee thereafter. In the absence of either a Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary of the Committee shall preside. She/He/They shall perform all duties and have the powers of the Chairperson(s).
The Treasurer shall have the custody of all funds belonging to the Committee and shall pay all orders subject to the approval of the Chairperson and shall procure and file vouchers for all such payment. No expenditures of funds of the Committee shall be made by the Treasurer outside the regular activities or expense thereof except upon the approval of a majority of the Committee at a special or regular meeting. She/He/They shall submit a report of the financial condition and transactions of the Committee at all regular meetings. A detailed report shall be provided at least annually. Additionally, the Treasurer will file reports with the appropriate state and local offices with regard to fund raising.
The Affirmative Action and Outreach Advisor shall be responsible for developing strategies and activities to expand participation in the Committee of the Party"’s Affirmative Action target groups.
A. In the event of a refusal of the Chairperson (or in the case of Co-Chairpersons, either Co-Chairperson) of the Committee to call a meeting of the Committee, a majority of the remaining members of the executive committee may, in writing (including by electronic means), order the Secretary of said Committee to call a meeting of the committee.
B. Said executive committee shall have the power to act upon all matters pertaining to the Committee arising between the meetings of said Committee In the event of a meeting without the consent of the Chairperson(s), the Secretary of the Committee or other designee(s) of the executive committee shall convene the next meeting of the Committee.
C. Seven regular members of the Committee can request a meeting by a petition in writing (including by electronic means) to the Secretary and the Secretary shall call such meeting within two weeks.
Article XI - QUORUM
Seven members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Members actively participating remotely and able both to hear or otherwise follow the meeting’s discussions and to provide current input into the meeting, as, for instance, by phone or by online, web-enabled interface, shall be counted for purposes of constituting a quorum and shall have the same participation rights as members attending in-person.
Article XII - Bylaws Committee BYLAWS COMMITTEE
There shall be a Bylaws Committee appointed by the Chair person Chairperson from the duly elected Members. The Chairperson shall designate the Chairperson of the Bylaws Bylaws Committee Chairperson. All matters related to issues concerning, or proposed changes to, these Bylaws shall be referred to the Bylaws Committee Chairperson.
Article XIII - Changes in the Bylaws CHANGES IN THE BYLAWS
A. These Bylaws may be amended or repealed at any regularly called meeting of the elected members of the Committee, provided the meeting is properly called as provided in these Bylaws, the meeting attains a quorum of regular voting members, the proposed changes have been timely referred to the Bylaws Committee, and members are given adequate notice of such proposed changes as provided in this Article. such proposed change is in writing and signed by the elected member proposing it and is in the hands of the Chairperson before the call of the next meeting, at which such proposal is to be acted upon. The proposed by law change shall be sent to all members with the announcement of the meeting.
B. Adequate notice of proposed changes to Committee Bylaws shall consist of at least 48 hours notice by means of the regular noticing process and mechanism(s) (such as email) employed by the Committee for full-membership communications. Every effort should be made to provide at least electronic copies of proposed Bylaws changes to members at least 24 hours before the regular meeting at which they are to be considered. All proposed Bylaws changes must be made available in both hard copy and electronic voting once a voting meeting commences. Such proposed changes in the Bylaws shall be referred forthwith by the Chairperson to the Bylaws Committee which shall make a report with its recommendations at the same meeting, if possible, but no later than the following meeting. A majority of the elected members present and voting shall be necessary to overturn the report of the By Laws Committee ByLaw change proposals which contradict the provisions of the Massachusetts Democratic State Party Charter cannot be considered.
C. Issues concerning the Bylaws as well as any proposed changes to the Bylaws shall be referred to the Bylaws Committee by the Committee Chairperson or by any elected member(s). The Bylaws Committee may also at any time undertake its own initiative to propose Bylaws changes.
D. The Bylaws Committee shall prepare a report with its recommendations. This report should be made available together with the proposed Bylaws changes 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The Bylaws Committee report must be made available in both hard copy and electronic format once a voting meeting commences.
E. Changes to the Bylaws shall require a majority vote of the members present and voting. Bylaw changes which contradict the provisions of the Massachusetts Democratic State Party Charter cannot be considered.
F. Unless and until amended or repealed by the elected members, these Bylaws shall continue in effect from year to year and no formal motion shall be necessary at any meeting of the Committee in order that they continue in force.
A vote of two-thirds of the elected members present and voting is required for endorsements of any candidates for public office and any ballot initiatives.
A. Regular meetings of the Committee shall be held at least four times in non-election years and six times in election years.
B. General membership shall be held as in-person meetings. The Committee shall ensure that meetings are held at a location that is accessible to persons of all abilities, including at public venues which comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Committee shall also make reasonable efforts to allow members to participate remotely, including, but not limited to, participation by phone/conference call and online means. Any and all members seeking to participate remotely shall provide members of the Executive Committee with advanced notice in order to ensure that the Committee has the means to allow remote participation for the meeting.
C. Any meeting held in addition to the Committee’s regular meetings shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate all members who wish to participate, including, but not limited to, polling the members for purposes of scheduling the additional meeting.
D. Unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws, all votes in any matter before the committee shall require a simple majority of members in attendance.
E. Meeting protocol other than that specified in these Bylaws shall be governed by the most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order.
A. Members and officers pledge themselves, as elected officials, to perform diligently and honorably their duties or resign. Regular members of town and ward committees may be removed by procedures guaranteeing adequate notice and due process and by a majority vote of the entire membership of the committee of which he or she is a member for:
Failure to attend at least half of the regularly scheduled committee meetings during any calendar year.
Public support for or financial contribution to an opponent of a nominee of the democratic party which nominee publicly supports the platform of the Democratic party as adopted at the most recent state and national Democratic convention.
Unauthorized use of the Party name or resources
Conviction after appeals are exhausted of a criminal offense other than a misdemeanor.
B. Subparagraph 1 of paragraph A to this Article shall not apply to lifetime members.
C. A member must be given an opportunity to resign before notice of the hearing on the question of removal is given to the membership of the committee.
D. A member removed under this Article shall have 30 days to appeal to the Judicial Council (State Committee), and the vacancy may not be filled in such case until the final decision of the Judicial Council is made.
Updated Bylaws
Below are the bylaws as approved by the Wayland Democratic Town Committee on June 8, 2019.
Article I - NAME
This organization shall be known as the Wayland Democratic Town Committee herein after called the Committee.
This Committee is organized and constituted under authority of and in accordance with the provisions of the General Laws of the Commonwealth, and shall have as its purposes the following: to foster and advance the ideals and aims of the Democratic Party; to work and organize for the success of the Democratic candidates of the District, County, State and Nation; to do all things necessary and incidental to the building and strengthening of the Democratic Party in Massachusetts and within the Town of Wayland.
A. The Wayland Democratic Town Committee shall consist of thirty five (35) [or number designated and reported to the Massachusetts Secretary of State prior to Presidential elections] registered Democrats in Wayland who shall have been elected at the Presidential Primary for a period of 4 years together with those elected to membership by the members of said Committee, in conformance with the provisions of law and these Bylaws. Hereinafter: “regular member.”
B. The Committee, following the election of its regular members, shall meet and organize, choose a Chairperson (or Co-Chairpersons), Secretary, Treasurer, Affirmative Action and Outreach Advisor, a Vice Chairperson in the event there is only one Chairperson, and such other officers as it may decide to elect. At such meeting the Committee may add to its elected regular members provided it does not exceed the total allowed by law as found on file with the Secretary of State's Office.
C. Regular members of the Committee who have served as such for 20 or more years shall vacate their elected member status but shall remain voting members of the Committee with all of the right and obligations of regular members. Hereinafter: “lifetime member.”
D. The Committee may, by vote at any meeting, authorize the appointment of associate members. Associate members shall not have the right to vote but shall have such other powers and duties as the Committee may determine.
E. Any duly elected regular member of the Committee who changes residence from Wayland during the said four years shall cease to be a member of the Committee at that time.
F. Vacancies shall be filled by vote of the Committee. Associate members, if any, should be the candidates first considered for filling the vacancies.
G. Members may be removed in conformity with Section II of the Charter of the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as well as in conformity with Article XVI of these Bylaws.
A. The officers of this organization shall consist of a Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons, or a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Affirmative Action and Outreach Advisor. These officers shall be elected from among the regular members at the Committee organizational meeting and shall serve for a term of two years, at the end of which new elections for officers shall be held.
B. There shall be an Executive Committee composed of the officers of the Committee and other members who may be appointed by the Chairperson(s) or elected by a majority vote of a regular meeting. The Chairperson(s) may also establish sub-committees and appoint sub-committee members as needed.
C. In the event of death, resignation, removal, or the loss of residency in the Town of any of the above named officers, their places shall be declared vacant and should be filled at the next regular meeting of the Committee, or at a regular meeting soon thereafter as is reasonably possible. A statement of such changes in the officers of the Committee shall be sent immediately by the Secretary of the Committee to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, to the Secretary of the Democratic State Committee and to the town clerk.
The Chairperson shall, in addition to the duties required by law, preside at all meetings of the Committee and shall have general charge and supervision of all Committee activities. He/She/They shall have the power to appoint all standing committees and such other special committees as are created from time to time. He/She/They shall have the power to call all special meetings of the Town Committee and all regular meetings at such time or times as may seem to her/him/them to be advisable, subject only to the vote of the Committee in fixing the number of regular meetings to be held during the course of the year. If the position of Chairperson is held by two persons serving as Co-Chairpersons, each Co-Chairperson shall possess equal authority under these bylaws.
In the event that the Committee elects a sole Chairperson, the Committee shall also elect a Vice Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Town Committee in the absence of the Chairperson. She/He/They shall perform all duties and have the powers of the Chairperson in the case of her/his temporary absence.
The Secretary shall keep record of all proceedings of the Committee and shall issue notice by mail to each member of the Committee at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting. The Secretary shall, within ten days after the organization of the Committee, file with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Secretary of the Democratic State Committee and the town clerk, a list of officers and members of the Committee, and shall immediately file with the same officials a statement of the changes in the organization or membership of the Committee thereafter. In the absence of either a Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary of the Committee shall preside. She/He/They shall perform all duties and have the powers of the Chairperson(s).
The Treasurer shall have the custody of all funds belonging to the Committee and shall pay all orders subject to the approval of the Chairperson and shall procure and file vouchers for all such payment. No expenditures of funds of the Committee shall be made by the Treasurer outside the regular activities or expense thereof except upon the approval of a majority of the Committee at a special or regular meeting. She/He/They shall submit a report of the financial condition and transactions of the Committee at all regular meetings. A detailed report shall be provided at least annually. Additionally, the Treasurer will file reports with the appropriate state and local offices with regard to fund raising.
The Affirmative Action and Outreach Advisor shall be responsible for developing strategies and activities to expand participation in the Committee of the Party’s Affirmative Action target groups.
A. In the event of a refusal of the Chairperson (or in the case of Co-Chairpersons, either Co-Chairperson) of the Committee to call a meeting of the Committee, a majority of the remaining members of the executive committee may, in writing (including by electronic means), order the Secretary of said Committee to call a meeting of the committee.
B. In the event of a meeting without the consent of the Chairperson(s), the Secretary of the Committee or other designee(s) of the executive committee shall convene the next meeting of the Committee.
C. Seven regular members of the Committee can request a meeting by a petition in writing (including by electronic means) to the Secretary and the Secretary shall call such meeting within two weeks.
Article XI - QUORUM
Seven members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Members actively participating remotely and able both to hear or otherwise follow the meeting’s discussions and to provide current input into the meeting, as, for instance, by phone or by online, web-enabled interface, shall be counted for purposes of constituting a quorum and shall have the same participation rights as members attending in-person.
There shall be a Bylaws Committee appointed by the Chairperson from the duly elected Members. The Chairperson shall designate the Bylaws Committee Chairperson. All matters related to issues concerning, or proposed changes to, these Bylaws shall be referred to the Bylaws Committee Chairperson.
A. These Bylaws may be amended or repealed at any regularly called meeting of the elected members of the Committee, provided the meeting is properly called as provided in these Bylaws, the meeting attains a quorum of regular voting members, the proposed changes have been timely referred to the Bylaws Committee, and members are given adequate notice of such proposed changes as provided in this Article.
B. Adequate notice of proposed changes to Committee Bylaws shall consist of at least 48 hours notice by means of the regular noticing process and mechanism(s) (such as email) employed by the Committee for full-membership communications. Every effort should be made to provide at least electronic copies of proposed Bylaws changes to members at least 24 hours before the regular meeting at which they are to be considered. All proposed Bylaws changes must be made available in both hard copy and electronic voting once a voting meeting commences.
C. Issues concerning the Bylaws as well as any proposed changes to the Bylaws shall be referred to the Bylaws Committee by the Committee Chairperson or by any elected member(s). The Bylaws Committee may also at any time undertake its own initiative to propose Bylaws changes.
D. The Bylaws Committee shall prepare a report with its recommendations. This report should be made available together with the proposed Bylaws changes 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The Bylaws Committee report must be made available in both hard copy and electronic format once a voting meeting commences.
E. Changes to the Bylaws shall require a majority vote of the members present and voting. Bylaw changes which contradict the provisions of the Massachusetts Democratic State Party Charter cannot be considered.
F. Unless and until amended or repealed by the elected members, these Bylaws shall continue in effect from year to year and no formal motion shall be necessary at any meeting of the Committee in order that they continue in force.
A vote of two-thirds of the elected members present and voting is required for endorsements of any candidates for public office and any ballot initiatives.
A. Regular meetings of the Committee shall be held at least four times in non-election years and six times in election years.
B. General membership shall be held as in-person meetings. The Committee shall ensure that meetings are held at a location that is accessible to persons of all abilities, including at public venues which comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Committee shall also make reasonable efforts to allow members to participate remotely, including, but not limited to, participation by phone/conference call and online means. Any and all members seeking to participate remotely shall provide members of the Executive Committee with advanced notice in order to ensure that the Committee has the means to allow remote participation for the meeting.
C. Any meeting held in addition to the Committee’s regular meetings shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate all members who wish to participate, including, but not limited to, polling the members for purposes of scheduling the additional meeting.
D. Unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws, all votes in any matter before the committee shall require a simple majority of members in attendance.
E. Meeting protocol other than that specified in these Bylaws shall be governed by the most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order.
A. Members and officers pledge themselves, as elected officials, to perform diligently and honorably their duties or resign. Regular members of town and ward committees may be removed by procedures guaranteeing adequate notice and due process and by a majority vote of the entire membership of the committee of which he or she is a member for:
Failure to attend at least half of the regularly scheduled committee meetings during any calendar year.
Public support for or financial contribution to an opponent of a nominee of the democratic party which nominee publicly supports the platform of the Democratic party as adopted at the most recent state and national Democratic convention.
Unauthorized use of the Party name or resources
Conviction after appeals are exhausted of a criminal offense other than a misdemeanor.
B. Subparagraph 1 of paragraph A to this Article shall not apply to lifetime members.
C. A member must be given an opportunity to resign before notice of the hearing on the question of removal is given to the membership of the committee.
D. A member removed under this Article shall have 30 days to appeal to the Judicial Council (State Committee), and the vacancy may not be filled in such case until the final decision of the Judicial Council is made.
Bylaws amended on June 8, 2019.
Bylaws amended on June 8, 2019.