Sabine's Climate Action Blog
- by Sabine von Mering, Wayland Democratic Town Committee
NOTE: Views expressed in this blog are those of the author, and not necessarily those of any other WDTC members.
This blog is one of a series to be published by members of the Wayland Democratic Town Committees and guest contributors.
I’m writing this blog in the hope to find more people in Wayland who care about addressing the climate crisis. If that’s you, please be in touch!
Did you know Wayland Town Meeting declared a climate emergency in Spring 2021? Yes, we did. We also committed to developing a climate action mobilization plan (CAMP) to achieve “a minimum of 50% reduction in the Town’s aggregate greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and seek a higher 75% reduction if possible. And this has already led to a lot of activity at the town level. We just hired our first ever Sustainability Manager!
If you’re a registered Democrat in Wayland, chances are you are at least concerned if not alarmed about the climate crisis. The Wayland Democratic Town Committee has formed a working group to help us determine how we can prioritize climate protection in everything we do. There is so much more we can do together to address the climate crisis. Instead of going from denial to despair we’re interested in climate action.
We want to see better climate policies: no new fossil fuel infrastructure, lots more renewable energy, more climate friendly public transportation, better bicycle and pedestrian safety, better climate education for our kids, and lots more. We also want more attention paid to the connection between the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis. Together we want to learn more about climate change and how it impacts lives here in Wayland and far beyond.
Do you know about Energize Wayland? Energize Wayland is a great place to get started with decarbonizing your life here in Wayland. Whether it’s adding solar panels to your roof, or a heat pump, or compost, etc. The Energize Wayland website helps you find ways to do it. Right now Wayland is doing a big push for energy audits with Mass Save. Why audits? If you’re a home owner, heating and cooling your home are among the biggest parts of your personal carbon footprint. To decarbonize your home begins with an energy audit. And this is the best possible time to take that step, because if your walls need insulation, for example, the Mass Save program will pick up 75% of the cost! But you have to do the audit. Find more information at Wayland Saves Energy.
We live in Wayland. This is where our work begins. Come join us! I for one would love to hear from you!
Sabine von Mering is a member of the Wayland Democratic Town Committee and a resident of Wayland since 2003. She is also a climate activist with 350Mass. In her day job she teaches at Brandeis University. Check out her translation of ‘German Greta’ Luisa Neubauer and Alexander Repenning’s book Beginning to End the Climate Crisis, just out with Brandeis University Press, which she presented at Wayland Public Library on March 31, 2023. You may occasionally catch a glimpse of Sabine’s polar bear avatar at climate protests.